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August 14, 2018

Preparing Your Child for Back to School Season

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Kindergarten Readiness

It’s hard to believe that while we’re still enjoying summer activities, we really need to turn our attention to back-to-school season. The start of the new school year, even at the preschool level, is a very busy time for all of us. At each of The Learning Experience’s Academies of Early Education, Center Directors and Business Managers are preparing for the new school year by ordering new equipment and supplies and hiring and training needed staff for the influx of new students. The teachers are getting their rooms ready for the first day by cleaning and sprucing up the classroom decorations and making new cubby tags for each of the children. After all this preparation comes the busiest day of the entire year at TLE: the first day of school! Upon entering your child’s center, you will find the teaching staff and to be welcoming and enthusiastic to see your family! The classrooms are refreshed, and the countdown for how many days we have been in school says “1.” Although the first day of school can be thrilling and fun, it can be a little scary for your child too. Whether your child is eager or reluctant to go to school, we make sure that our teachers are ready with a smile to help with the transfer from your care to our classroom when arriving. Children need time to adjust to a new room, new teacher, and new routines. The most exciting thing for your child is seeing old friends and meeting new classmates! Preparing your child for back to school is only half the challenge; you, as parents, need to be ready too. It’s important to make sure your child’s file is up to date, including all contact information. This is also a good time to make sure your center’s management is aware of any personal things happening at home that might be new or may cause your child to behave differently than before. Finally, it is imperative to inform management and your child’s teacher of any new medications or allergies that have come up over the summer. Organization, positive thinking, and a little sensitivity will be the keys to getting ready for school and helping your child make a smooth transition into the new school year. Listed below are some simple tips that will help you and your child adjust for this fun, busy and exciting time:

  • Get into a solid bed-time routine before starting school as it will make the first week run so much smoother if your child is not overtired or stressed.
  • Make sure to bring a change of clothes to leave at the school as accidents do happen!
  • Be ready for tears, but stay positive; smile, be happy and remain calm. If you start to panic, then your child will too.
  • Stay engaged with your child’s day to day activities by asking questions of both the teacher and your child. The more involved you are, the faster your child will settle into the new school year.
  • Meet the parents of your child’s new classmates and scheduling some play dates with help your child adjust more quickly.

The Learning Experience has an open-door policy, so stop by the first week and take a peek into your child’s classroom window or view your child from our monitors in the Center Director’s office. Together we can all learn, play, and grow into having a successful back to school! Related News: Reducing Separation Anxiety

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