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Our approach to education for Twaddlers (2 to 2 1/2 years old)

Twaddlers still have the need to explore, but with far more to learn and experience—while still having lots of fun! Up until now, most of the play with Infants and Toddlers has been independent. To get Twaddlers more accustomed to social participation, we start each morning with group circle time.

This stage also marks the beginning of a child’s potty-training journey. Our staff frequently asks each child if they have to go to the restroom, and then guides them through the process. Before you know it, you have a potty-trained child.

Our curriculum helps Twaddlers explore, and it nurtures their increasing need to communicate. By this point in their early childhood development, Twaddlers have expanded their language skills, and our curriculum helps to enhance their ability to communicate verbally.

children develop intellectually, socially and cognitively

What our curriculum for Twaddlers includes

    Our Twaddlers curriculum is filled with stimulating, age-appropriate activities and materials that focus on early childhood development through eye-hand coordination, gross-motor development, problem solving, and the beginning of a child’s potty-training journey.


  • Continuation of sign language with Gibby Gibbon® to further develop communication skills
  • Continued exploration of manners and etiquette with Penny Polite®
  • Introduction to early literacy skills through our Phonics with Phoebe® Early Connections Kit
  • Physical fitness and gross motor activities with Flexi Flamingo®, including outdoor time to encourage movement and play with peers
  • Potty Training with Flexi Flamingo®
  • Teacher-facilitated exploration in learning areas such as dramatic play, gross motor, math and manipulatives, etc.
  • Circle time to foster social-emotional development

Our programs for Twaddlers

Manners and Etiquette

We make manners for older Toddlers the foundation of kindness and good behavior

The children are saying “please” and “thank you,” but also going above and beyond to act out kindness with their peers, by learning to say nice and encouraging things. Our proprietary character puppets are a great tool for the children, such as Penny Polite® who helps re-enact good manner scenarios. Our Manners Readers explore a variety of etiquette situations, including talking on the telephone, behaving well in a restaurant and in public, refraining from name calling and treating their peers with respect. This is a wonderful way to prepare them for the real world and build a foundation for good citizenship as they start to learn about the meaning of philanthropy.

American Sign Language

As our little learners build on their skills in American Sign Language, they’re learning to sign in connection with their lessons about the world. When learning about travel, for example, parents are always amazed at how their children can sign words like “passport” or “suitcase.”

At the beginning of every month, those signs are printed and sent home with families to extend the lesson in American Sign Language. The parents are also kept abreast of the Sign Language Alphabet as a resource, and can connect pictures to descriptions of the sign language in order to practice communicating with the children.

Physical Fitness Programs

TLE® makes physical fitness an important part of early childhood development with the help of our friend Flexi Flamingo, who teaches our older Toddlers healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Starting at the Toddler age, children are learning to move their bodies, as well as keep their bodies and minds healthy by identifying healthy choices.

At TLE®, they’ll also learn about going to the doctor and the tools medical professionals use to help them stay healthy. They’ll learn, too, about health and hygiene, expressing their emotions and calming their anxieties with soothing
yoga, and are even offered ways to develop their gross motor skills with balancing, walking, hopping on one foot
or two feet, and more.

Bubbles and Friends Theme

Our programs for Twaddlers

6:30-8:00 Early Arrival Program

8:00-8:30 Greeting the Children/Parent Communication; Free Choice Centers

Art, Sensory, Language, Math, Fine Motor; Child-Initiated Activities

8:30-8:45 Circle Time

Welcoming Activities, Finger Plays, and Songs

8:45-9:15 Snack Time

A Nutritious snack will be served; Manners Matter, Potty Time, Etc.

9:15-9:45 Art and Sensory

Creative activities enhance emotional development; Finger Painting, Pasting, Sand and Water Table, Etc.

9:45-10:00 Physical Fitness with Flexi Flamingo®

Children will engage in physical exercise and routines, and discuss healthy bodies and nutrition

10:00-10:30 Playground Time

Gross Motor Skills; Coordination, Balance, Tossing Balls, Etc. Children will engage in physical exercise and routines, and discuss healthy bodies and nutrition

10:30-10:45 Fine Motor Skills

Matching, Classifying, Exposure to Numbers

10:45–11:00 Language Skills/Library/Storytelling

Emphasis on Language Development, Puppets, Games, Age-Appropriate Books, Rhymes, Etc.

11:00–2:30 Lunch/Rest Time/Quiet Activities/Self-Help Skills

2:30–3:00 Waking Up/Diapering

3:00–3:30 Playground Time

Gross Motor Skills: Coordination, Balance, Tossing Balls, Etc.

3:30–4:00 Snack Time

Nutritious snack will be served, Manners Matter, Potty Time, Etc.

4:00–4:15 Circle Time

Finger Plays, Songs, Goodbye Songs

4:15–5:00 Free Choice Centers

Art, Sensory, Language, Math, Fine Motor; Child-Initiated Activities

5:00–5:30 Music and Movement

Rhythmic Movement, Singing, Listening, Dancing, Social Interaction

5:30–6:00 Table Toys/Quiet Activities/Greeting Parents

(Diapering is provided and supervised on an as needed basis. Potty training encouraged as a self-help skill as needed.)

children develop intellectually, socially and cognitively

Our year-end milestones for Twaddlers

Every day will be a fun new adventure at TLE® for your little one, and while our lessons and curriculum prepare them to meet important goals, we want to ensure they are developing at the right pace.

A snapshot of several of the many milestones your Twaddler should reach this year:

  • Follow simple, two-step directions
  • Develop large muscle movements such as jumping and skipping
  • Respond to questions asked by teachers and other trusted adults using three- to four-word phrases consistently
  • Further develop fine motor skills by grasping blocks, crayons, and feeding utensils
  • Play with multiple toys at once such as dolls or blocks
  • Play intentionally with peers
  • Continue to build relationships with friends

Enrichment Programs for Twaddlers

Our enrichment programs are an extension of the curriculum, providing in-depth, hands-on learning experiences to our little learners enabling them to develop mastery in a fun and engaging manner. At no additional cost, our enrichment curriculum provides a home-to-school connection for all children with specifically chosen kits to take home following each session, allowing the continuation of the child’s passion outside of the classroom.

Little Musicians

Our Little Musicians Enrichment Program provides age-appropriate kits for our little learners to use to explore instruments, beats, and songs. They will use their creative expression, interact with their peers, and ultimately build confidence as they learn emotional regulation and strengthen their cognitive language abilities. Parents will have the opportunity to join in a family showcase at the end of the program to support home learning.

Little Engineers

Our Little Engineers enrichment program provides age-appropriate kits for our little learners to use to participate in problem-solving activities that encourage creativity, perseverance, and real-life application skills. Children will work through challenges and tasks individually, in pairs, or as a team, leading to the strengthening of relationships and social-emotional regulation. Parents will have the opportunity to join in a family showcase at the end of the program to support home learning.

Little Athletes

Our Little Athletes Enrichment Program provides age-appropriate kits for our little learners to use to engage in the foundational concepts of sports. Children will increase their gross and fine motor skills by learning to throw, catch, kick, balance, and much more. Our Little Athletes Enrichment Program for kindergarteners includes learning the fundamentals of basketball and soccer.

Little Athletes
Twaddlers Kit:

The Twaddler enrichment kit is specifically designed to meet age-appropriate developmental milestones, supporting the development of their gross and fine motor skills of each child. This enables children to engage in learning to throw, catch, kick, balance, and much more. All these items go home at the end of the 12-week program continuing their learning!

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